Philosophy of Imagination*Nineteen
I've talked a lot about dreams, the dreams of the future, the ones that we chase in our conscious minds. Where we want to go and be and do.
But what about the other side of dreams? The ones from the subconscious (I believe we use our subconscious mind while we are awake, to put us in places we are scared to take ourselves) that happen while we sleep. What is their source? Why are they so fractured and weird? Why does the memory of them disappear so quickly?
Sleep dreams come in two flavors -- in the most macro of senses -- because dream flavors are really infinite, but for the sake of time and sanity, we'll stick with the main two. Normal and Scary (known by their more popular name, nightmares -- boo!). At their core, they are the same. A sleep dream is a dream is a dream, regardless of the content.
They can make you scream and tense up and sweat. They can make you grind your teeth and writhe and cum. They can make you talk and cry and pee. That's intense shit. What's happening? If the name of the blog and every other post may have tipped you, I believe it's all Imagination. Since that's where almost everything springs from.
We all think weird shit. Gross shit. Dark shit. Shit that we don't want to admit to anyone, including ourselves. Sometimes the thoughts slip in to our conscious mind and most of us are quick to push them away and let them fall into our subconscious. Our brains are big and complex, but they can't hold Infinity all at once. We can Imagine Infinitely, but not all at once. Our brains would explode or implode or evaporate. It's too much and our brains are too smart to do that to us.
Therefore, as we Imagine through our day, both consciously and subconsciously, our minds begin to fill up with our Imaginative thoughts and ideas. It becomes heavy and sloppy, untenable for travel and woolgathering. We must sleep.
When we sleep, we dream. I believe those dreams are an 'Imagination dump'. We pull up our brain to the dreamfill and dump out the thoughts ideas that didn't make the cut. The ones that had a lazy eye, or a club foot, or were plain dumb. Let's not forget the creepy thoughts that we have, the kind that thankfully 99.9999% of us won't act upon. That shit gets the boot in the ass, too (nightmares or scary dreams). It rolls and tumbles into the dreamfill, never to return.
Sometimes our brain fucks up, dumps an idea or thought that is good. Those are those poignant dreams -- like a vision -- what was maybe a half conscious idea, placed in a dream, it fully forms and the importance of it becomes very apparent -- vision!
Our Imagination is always working, but we cannot hang on to everything (most of us anyway). Hence, we dream so we can dump. Rid ourselves of the junk. Spring cleaning for the mind. If we didn't, we'd get too cluttered in there. We would get crushed by a pile of bad TV shows, buried under crap advice from friends and family, lost in dark thoughts that will eat us from the inside out once we are incapable of fighting them off. It would get ugly*.
Pay attention to those dreams that stick. It may just be some sick, weirdo shit, but it may be one of the best ideas/dreams/thoughts that you've ever had. Something worth jumping into that filthy, unctuous, stinky Imagination dump and resurrecting.
Imagine. Dream. Imagine dump. Repeat.
*You know when you're really tired, you begin to get punchy. You begin to lose touch with reality, what is real and what is not. You see things, hear things, feel things that aren't there. You laugh your ass of at dumb shit. That's your mind and Imagination telling you to sleep. You're mind is being overwhelmed by the magnitude of the ideas and thoughts your Imagination is producing. It's got to dump. I would oblige**.
**But not always. Some of the greatest thoughts and ideas I've had have been while I was punchy. Standing on the edge of dreams and reality. Don't do it a lot, you could slip into madness, but occasionally, get punchy and your Imagination will show you some dope shit!