I think we can agree that the best things in life are the hardest to attain. To get them, there a lot of work, sacrifice and pain involved. Why is that? Why are the best things in the Universe, the hardest to get? Are they the best in our minds, because they are hard to get? Because of the scarcity? Or is it more natural? It has to be hard to gain a reward? To feel the joy and adulation, you have to struggle? No easy answers?
Let's break down some examples to get a lay of the land. We'll start simple. Walking on a beach. It's easy, sure and at sunset, there might not be a better place to be. But is it easy? When you were a baby, you had to learn how to walk. Definitely not easy. Probably one of the hardest concepts to learn. There is so much balance and adjustment happening, billions of synapses firing, muscle cells, memory and on and on. Walking is fucking difficult, but we take it for granted once we know how. Sure, you could lay on the beach like a slug and still get some of the ambiance, but you need someone to carry you there and pick you back up once the tide comes in. That's a big favor. Someone that loved you would surely do it, but love is incredibly hard to come by. Way harder than walking. There are so many intricate emotions, coupled with a lifetime of experience, the lens in which we see the World, any of which can trip up love and are willingness to engage in it. And all of that complication is doubled, because it takes two people to love. So you're on the beach, walking or slugging it, but you had to get to the beach. If you live near the coast, you have a small advantage, you may only be a few miles away. However, if you live in Kansas, you have to earn the money and pay for a plane ticket. You have to fly there, pay for a cab. Once you're there, you have to be present, patient, in the moment. You're on the beach, feeling the waves tickling your toes and the sand compressing under your feet, smelling the salt and seaweed. You must have focus to be truly present. Our minds want to wander, thinking about the baby screaming on your flight or the fact that you couldn't get anyone else to come with you or that you overpaid for the cab. Taking a walk on the beach isn't as easy as it sounds.
Next let's look at drugs. Drugs are fun. They make you feel amazing when you're doing them. Life of the party, being yourself, you can't lose! Until the drugs wear off. The you gotta get more. Drugs are expensive, so you have to earn the money. Or steal it, which has an enormous price, because if you get caught, you go to jail and your freedom and independence is stripped away, far outweighing any benefit you've received from using the drug. That goes for the using of the drug, too. If you are caught using, possessing or selling, straight to the slammer. Freedom gone. That is steep. Even if you have the money and you don't get caught, you still have the hangover, depression, the need for more drugs to keep your high and then it really starts to affect your life. Job, family, living become second priority to the drugs. You waste everything, health, happiness, life, to keep that fleeting drug high going. The cost far outweighs any pleasure. Therefore, it cannot even be counted as something good.
Nothing good is free. It all comes at a high cost. We have to keep moving and working hard and growing as individuals. Movement is life. Having a great life involves a lot of movement. In the right directions. We have to keep trying to get what is great, what is blowed and sought after.
If movement is life, can you sit still? Of course, but you have to be engaging your Imagination and soul while you sit. If I go into my backyard and plop down on the grass, if I let myself think about anything in my life, except for the backyard, I'll get bored fast. But, if I am thinking about the backyard, listening to the birds, looking at the clouds, feeling the grass, smelling the fig tree, watching the bugs and the birds, fueling my brain with the present, I can sit there for hours. I am sitting still, but I am still moving a lot. If you sit places and stew about all your problems and place in the Universe, you're living in the past and what's the only thing in this World that we can't change? The past. Get out of there! Forward is the way! The present is the way! If you only live in those two places, think about how much movement you will have. Think of the life you will have!
But why do we have to move to have a great life? I'll interject one of my theories, that all good things, on or below the surface, have more gravity. The beauty, charisma, confidence or even just an object. Matter and particles, just like people, want to be part of something. The better and more sought after that thing is, the more gravity it has. Gravity draws us in, mentally, physically and spiritually. So why don't we get sucked in to what is great in this World? Why aren't we bouncing in between gravities of the beautiful and amazing in life? Why are we attracted to them, but are held at arms length? Is it movement alone? If we don't have enough movement in ourselves (or the particles that make us up), the lack of excitement pushes us back.
So do great/beautiful/awesome things have gravity that draw people/particles in, but there is another force pushing away with equal power/pressure? If you don't have enough movement/excitement, you get left in the cold? What would this anti-gravity, pushing force be? Dark energy? Which is the opposite of light/Imagination? Is it our inability to leave behind ourselves, our past, our opinions and judgements? Our inability to leave it all at the door and exist with something new? Until we are able to drop our guard and the armor we've created around us, encumbering us always (we think it is helping, but it is holding us back and creating unwarranted pressure), can we not move enough to see things for what they are? Is that the force pushing back? Our perceptions of life? Would relieving ourselves of these perceptions allow our Imagination to run wild, to move, with no impediments? Untethering your held beliefs/life experience/opinions and allowing them to drift off, would allow your Imagination to show you exactly what you are capable of? That you can proceed without fear? If we can say we know nothing and drop all preconceptions, will we see all things for what they truly are? Is fear/racism/hate/stereotypes/past experience the force that is pushing away, even as gravity pulls? Anti-Imagination? If you let anti-Imagination rule, you will move further and further away from yourself, from who you really are, because you're letting the past and outside forces/opinions/people Imagine for you?
But jobs and big houses and fame don't have opinions. They are inanimate. But the people who control jobs, real estate and fame do. Are these people with power the ones creating the anti-Imagination/dark energy/pushing force? Is that why space is black, because it is constantly growing? Movement creates light? And you need a lot of it, working three times as hard to make it punch through the dark? Does movement create light? Does lack of movement create darkness?
Does relinquishing all fear and secrets and preconception allow you to create great art, or run a business well or raising children? Does it make you more accessible through personal interactions or interactions with things that you Imagination has created? Does it create more light in you that people are drawn to, because you've made it more accessible? Made yourself, your true self more accessible? Putting yourself and movement and hard work into something will draw people in. You're increasing your light/gravity and letting the dark energy/opinions/ego/secrets go? You're letting yourself go and saying, 'we're in this together', let me share with you everything I've learned so far, which isn't much. Like Socrates said, the only thing I know for sure, is that I don't know -- that's a paraphrase.
I think I might only know three things for certain.
1. BE KIND to everyone and everything.
2. LOVE YOURSELF. Especially the warts.
3. IMAGINE and WORK HARD to catch it!!!
Everything else is a theory, waiting to be disproved by a more simple idea.
Darkness can never catch light? It is faster and stronger, but not by much, than darkness? If the Universe weren't expanding/moving, it would be contracting, collapsing in on itself? If light is leading the way into the infinite and darkness is always too slow to catch it, then light will always exist? Is movement time, too?
Movement is life.
Life is light.
Be yourself and you will be the light.
Be the light.
Shine bright for everyone to see!!!