Philosophy of Imagination*Twenty Four
Let us Imagine that all particles, even the smallest tiny ones (Higgs-Boson, Neutrino, Tachyon and so many others that we haven't found or perceived of yet) all have memory. They all know where they are now and where they have been, but like us, have no idea where they're going. If they have memory, then they also have Imagination and so at some level, conscious, subconscious or something else, they have a desire to be somewhere desirable in their future. With memory and Imagination, even a single particle, the smallest we can conceive of, has dreams.
Like people and everything else in the Universe, it has dark and light, the two forces wrestling for dominance in any Universal body, from macro to quantum. The particles memory keeps track of this ebb and flow and is drawn to other like particles. That is the Imagination/gravity of the particle at work. They don't have complete control and so there is plenty of randomness and particles hitting everything that comes in their way, even if that particle wanted to run into other light-dominated particles, often it runs into a dark body of particles and it will do its best to turn the others it runs afoul of, into light. Same goes for the dark particles. It's the back and forth, the yin and yang, the good and the bad, the ebb and flow, the highs and lows that make up life and the Universe.
All of these particles are flying around in every direction in our Universe. Running in to each other, some times bouncing off, sometimes being absorbed by a large body of particles, sometimes being broken apart into smaller particles. They are always moving, always flowing and always becoming part of something else.
One day a particle may be part of a camel, the next day it's sand, the next day it's more sand -- there's a lotta sand in deserts -- then two years from then it's a man in China, then ten years from then it's a fish in the Atlantic, then a 100 years from then it's rock in Amsterdam, then six days from then it's a spoon in Luxembourg and on and on and on into the Infinite.
Eventually, all particles become everyone and everything else and everything is connected. We are the Universe. We are Imagination. We are a camel. Everything we do, does effect everything else in the Universe. You matter very much. You have a hand in everything, whether you like it or not.
This does not mean you have to be an amalgam lump. Or that you have to do what others are doing, or believing or saying. Be yourself. That is very important. Your unique Imagination is what will continue to make the World great! Do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, or impede with someone else's self being. Keep yourself light. Don't let the darkness extinguish your beauty. Do that and you will help the Universe survive. Live a good life and you will make the entire Universe a better place for everyone, now and for Infinity.
Particles are swirling and flowing and smashing into each other always, they become you and me and oceans and your friends and your enemies and then you again. Send as many particles back out into the Universe with as much light and Imagination as you can pack into them!