Philosophy of Imagination*Seven
Cells begin to change and form more complex organisms. Evolution is the mutation of pieces of DNA, which over thousands of generations, beget a new organism/species. The traits that the mutations create that are most suited for the organisms environment proliferate. These are the good mutations. The mutations of Life. The mutations of Light. Like The Force!
Could The Force be Imagination? 'The Force is what gives a Jedi(You) their power. It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.' That sounds a lot like Imagination.
Could Imagination be a particle as yet discovered? Gravity? A glue particle that is too tiny for us to find(so far)? We still don't know what the fuck gravity is, why couldn't it be Imagination? We always speak of Imagination as if it's this ethereal thing, an idea about how are brain works, but what if Imagination does have a physical form? A tiny particle that envelops all other particles, that dead space in an atom between the neutrons and electrons? That would be a Galaxy/Universe binder. The eggs of the Universe.
The Force is Imagination and we all have it! And just like The Force, through time and practice and study, you can strengthen your Imagination to do anything! Anything.
Get out their and practice your Force/Imagination!!!