Philosophy of Imagination*Nine
When life was a single cell and even as it became multicellular, if we believe that Imagination always existed, I posit that it had a limited view and thus, the ability to use it. Those simple organisms did not have the power to conceive of infinite Imagination. Their view was like looking at the World and Universe through a super tiny straw. Millions of times smaller than looking through a hollow human hair. Straight ahead.
Organisms continued to evolve over millions of years. As they became more complex, they developed brains and senses that perceive the World around them better and better and their view of Imagination grew, until they could see all of it. Humans are able to perceive 360 degrees--the Infinite Imagination.
We can perceive and infer so much more about the World with our highly evolved brains. We use Imagination to create things that do not exist. With each new idea, invention, art that comes into existence, it enters the Public/Collective Conscious. That knowledge/art/invention has made the entire human race smarter. Someone figured out how to make a calculator and now we can all use it. We can take it apart and see how it works. We can figure out ways to improve the design or use it to make a completely new idea. As people continue to learn, we all get smarter and are continuing to evolve. What will we learn to perceive next? A World beyond ours? A World on top of ours? A 4th dimension where we can communicate in pictures without speaking?
I can't wait to find out! Growing and nurturing everyone's Imaginations will help us get there faster, but more importantly, I believe it will show us what is truly important. Not the physical stuff and money that we so desire and revere, but our within. People and happiness.
Every time you have a new idea or read a book or paint a picture, you are making the whole World a better place to be! Share it all!
Imagination will show us the way ahead, so exercise your Imagination every day! We will make the World smarter, more empathetic and loving place for everyone!